MCO Members (曲苑票友介绍)


Minnesota Chinese Opera, a place for people who love Chinese opera and share friendship



我痴迷京剧的博大精深,美不胜收,醉心于程派唱腔的千回百转,凝练婉转。程派唱腔就像美丽的百合花,美得淡雅,内敛,深沉,散发出阵阵馨香。我专攻程派青衣,比较拿手和经常唱的的曲目有:《锁麟囊》、《武家坡》、《春闺梦》、《嫦娥奔月》和现代戏《江姐》。我第一次上台是客串《拾玉镯》里面的小生,第一次上台表演的程派青衣 是《江姐》 里面的“绣红旗”一段。从此我成了唱江姐的专业户。除了经常唱的这些戏码之外,目前还在学习新的段子, 如《梅妃》和《三娘教子》等,以期拓宽戏码,提高演唱水平。

I am from Wuxi, Jiangsu. Ever since childhood, I was influenced by her family, especially my father, who has been very passionate about Peking Opera. When MCO was founded in 2007, I was fortunate enough to be one of the first members to join. Since then, I have participated in various parties, rehearsals, performances and learned from many friends. 

I am obsessed with the profoundness of Peking Opera and it is a very beautiful art form. I specialize in Chengpai Tsing Yi, and some of the more popular songs  are: "Locked Capsule", "Wujiapo", "Spring Dream", "Chang'e Run to the Moon" and the modern drama "Sister Jiang".  Chengpai's singing is beautiful and elegant. "Jade Bracelet" was my first performance and the "embroidered red flag" section in "Sister Jiang" is one of my favorites. I am currently learning new songs, such as "Mei Fei" and "San Niang Jiao Zi.”



I love Peking Opera and I first started when I was in elementary school. In the beginning, I sang Modern Peking Opera and I only knew that it was different from normal songs. After watching a few Traditional Peking Opera pieces in 2014, I was attracted by its beautiful melody and that is when I realized I was truly interested in it. I would spend a lot of time watching and studying pieces in different kinds of Traditional Peking Opera. For example, “Su Wu Shepherd”, “Rouge”, “Pluck The Tassel” and “Shaqiao Farewell.” Personally, I love all types and don’t have a preference for a specific one. Peking Opera is one of my favorite hobbies and I like the charisma of it. I am self taught and I hope that one day I will be able to learn from other professionals.



I like Peking Opera, I went to study at a Peking Opera school for 7 years when I was younger, and later practiced in an opera troupe. Before I went  to another opera troupe, “Sizhu Chinese Opera Troupe”, in Taipei, I taught music for a while. In 2009, I came to MN and joined MCO. I was born in Kunming, Yunnan, where I often saw Peking Opera performed by Sushuang Guan, and that is when I started loving it. At age 11, my mother sent me to an Opera School due to financial reasons. Later, I joined an Opera Troupe in Chongqing. I studied with Hunmin Li and Huijuan Li, and performed "Mukezhai" and "Fanjiang Pass", "Universal Front", "Farewell My Concubine", "Walk in the Lake" and "Dream". Eventually, I started focusing on the type of roles, "Huadan", in opera, performing "Pick Up Jade Bracelets", "Writing Fans in Flower Fields" and "Selling Water". After leaving the troupe, I was attracted by "Zhang" style  and learned to perform "The Trial", "Wangjiang Pavilion" and "The Number One Scholar Media". Sa Xia and I, in MCO, performed "Little Cowherd", "The Match Between Mother and Son", "Sister-in-law’s Sword Match", "The Horse Match Between Sister and Brother", "The Dance of the Two Beauties".



I am very passionate about Chinese Opera, especially Pingju. In the process of the reform of the P.R. of China, I took part in the Modern Chinese Opera performances such as “The Red Lantern” and “Tracks In The Snowy Forest”. After immigrating to the US, I joined MCO and performed around Minnesota. Along with other MCO members, we were invited to Iowa to perform at a Chinese Spring Festival celebration event and received Cultural Communication Awards from the governor of Iowa. My representative pieces are “Mulberry Leaf Picking” from “Liu Qiaoer” and “Meet the Aunt of The Royal Family” from “Qinxianglian” ect. Currently, I have been exploring and learning “Lao Dan” (the eldery women) in Peking Opera.


我非常喜欢花旦这种天真,活泼,敏捷,伶俐的女性角色。我学过《西厢记》中“红娘”和《牡丹亭》中“春香”的一些唱段,并参加过曲苑在当地的部分演出。我选学过著名京剧表演艺术家,国家一级演员龚苏萍老师的“红娘”和 “杜十娘”网络课程,并荣幸地得到了她对我所学唱曲目的逐句点评和指导。我曾指导过学生 Heather Kaus  演唱“红娘” 选段。该学生在美国中西部中文比赛中以优异的语言成绩和精彩的才艺表演,荣获了第九届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛的选手资格。在中国的比赛期间,该学生演唱的“叫张生”得到了评委和观众的好评和喝彩。

I like the characters of Hua Dan, which portrays young, lively, cute, and innocent ladies. I have learned the character of “Hongniang” (the matchmaker)  in “The Romance of West Chamber” and “Chunxiang” in “Peony Pavilion”, and performed the pieces. I also attended internet classes from a very high level professional performer in China where she talked me through every line from the song and gave a lot of feedback. Later, I taught Heather Kaus, one of my students, a piece of “Hongniang”. She attended the American Midwest Chinese Competition and won the qualification for the 9th "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students due to her excellent language score and amazing performance.



The jinghu player, click on the picture on the right to enjoy “A letter is a marriage matchmaking.” The jinghu is a two stringed, bowed instrument with a high regester. It is also known as the Bejing Opera fiddle.


我最初接触的京剧是样板戏。2007年胡芝风老师访问明州让我从新接触到了京剧, 我深深地被胡老师的表演及其人品打动,以后便积极参与北美曲苑的筹建。 在明州没有师资的条件下,我认真与其他票友从录音和录像中学习京剧的唱腔、表演以及化妆。2015年受Minneapolis Institute of Arts之邀,与陶玉青共同做了“中国京剧”讲座。讲座完后请曲苑资深票友为museum docents and tour guides做不同行当的演示。


The first time I experienced Peking Opera was Modern Peking Opera. When master Zhifeng Hu performed in  Minnesota in 2007, I was deeply touched by his performance and personality. Afterwards, I assisted with creating MCO. Even though there was a shortage of teachers, I continued to study videos and pictures of other performers to learn about singing, acting and applying makeup. In 2015, Yuqing Tao and I were invited by the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, where we gave a presentation about “Chinese Peking Opera.” Later, we asked our amateur performers to demonstrate different roles in the museum docents and tour guides.

I have performed many pieces including modern Peking Opera: “The Red Lantern”, “Shajiabang” and “Rhododendron Mountain”. Also “Lady General Mu Takes Command”, “White Snake” and “Peony Pavilion”, which are traditional Peking Opera pieces.



I started listening to opera with my grandfather at the age of 3. I was mesmerized by the costumes and beautiful makeup. I've been learning many  types of Chinese operas by myself since 2004. I can perform 7 kinds of Chinese operas, but mostly, Kun Opera, Beijing Opera and Yue Opera. Kun Opera, among which, is one of the oldest forms of Chinese opera. It has been listed as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. During my three years in high school, I picked up the full length of The Peony Pavilion in Kun Opera. I also learned scenes from The Peach Blossom Fan, The Palace of Eternal Life, The Jade Hairpin, etc. For Beijing Opera, I mostly perform Mei and Zhang styles. Popular plays from the two styles include Top Scholar as Matchmaker, Farewell My Concubine, Xi Shi, etc. I have performed both male and female roles. Plays include The Butterfly Lovers, The Dream of the Red Chamber, The Desert Prince, etc.


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