Special Events (特别活动)

北美曲苑 知春雅集
翘盼春风早,冰河冻雪消。北美曲苑以中国戏曲文化的热度和北美票友们的热情消融明尼的寒冬,谱写新年、新春、新气象。 北美曲苑在耿庆璜团长的带领下,十年来励精图治,于2018年成功举办了建团十周年纪念演出。票友们以富有代表性的中国传统曲目展现出国粹瑰宝的艺术魅力,涉猎京剧、昆曲、越剧、评剧、豫剧、黄梅戏、现代京剧等多个剧种。
Minnesota Chinese Opera, led by the President, Charles Geng, has celebrated its 10th year of performing, including Peking Opera, Kun, Yue, Ping, Yu, Huang Mei Opera and other popular kinds of Chinese Opera.  
2019年新春来临之际,以新剧目、新形象、新品味,曲苑票友们活跃在明州舞台上。先后应邀参加了Mall of America新春演出、双城华人舞蹈中心新春晚会、明华中文学校春节联欢会、罗城新年晚会、圣约翰大学新年晚会等富有影响力的演出活动。北美曲苑的票友们多年来坚持训练,目前一些经典曲目,例如:《四郎探母》、《野猪林》、《春闺梦》、《西施》、《打龙袍》、《霸王别姬》、《黛玉葬花》的选段都成为了票友们的“拿手好戏”!
In the spring of 2019, to celebrate Chinese New Year, Minnesota Chinese Opera performed multiple shows on various stages in Minnesota. We are invited to participate in the following shows: Annual Chinese New Year Celebration at Mall of America , Twin City Chinese Dance Center Annual Performance, Minghua Chinese School Chinese New Year Celebration, Rochester Chinese New Year Gala and  Chinese New Year Gala at St John's University. 

2018513,北美曲苑为庆祝成立十周年,在Hamline UniversitySundin Hall音乐厅举办了一场演出。整台节目以京剧彩唱为主要演出形式,给历来十分绚丽的明州舞台再添辉煌。演员们你方唱罢我登场,戏音婉转兼几分铿锵,戏装艳美而不失高雅,惊喜不断满台生辉令观众十分踊跃。

To celebreate its 10-years anniversary, Minnesota Chinese Opera had a public performance at the Sundin Music Hall, Hamline University, on May 13th, 2018. The program focused on Peking Opera, with a variety of other Chinese Opera in full make-up. 
节目如下 (Program)
1.京舞《云裙水袖舞天女》(Chinese Opera Dance)
2.京剧《四郎探母》选段,《坐宫》(Peking Opera: Silang to visit his Mom after 15 years)
3.京剧《红娘》选段,《小姐你多风采》(Peking Opera: The Matchmaker, My Fair Lady)
4.京剧《贵妃醉酒》选段,《海岛冰轮初转腾》(Peking Opera: Drunken Concubine)
5.京剧《三家店》选段,《将身儿来至在大街口》(Peking Opera: San Jia Inn, Standing on the Street)
6.京剧《锁麟囊》选段,《春秋亭外风雨暴》(Peking Opera: The Unicorn Purse, At the Chunqiu Pavilion)
7.京歌《情怨》(Peking Opera Song: The Bitter Love)
8.二胡独奏《喜送公粮》(Er Hu Solo: Harvest Joy on a Wagon Ride)
9.评剧《花为媒》选段,《报花名》(Ping Opera: The Flower Message)
10.湖南花鼓戏《刘海砍樵》选段 (Hunan Opera: Joy and Fun through Firewood Cutting)
11.京歌《在那桃花盛开的地方》(Peking Opera Song: Where Peach Trees are in Blossoms)
12.京剧《红拂传》选段,《在筵前》(Peking Opera: The Legend of Hong Fu, At the Banquet)
13.相声剧《戴克见娘》(Cross-talk: Dexter Comes back to Mom)
14.京剧《穆桂英挂帅》选段,《猛听得金鼓响画角声震》(Peking Opera: Mu Guiying in Command)
15.京剧《杨门女将》选段,《母子比武》(Peking Opera: A Mother and Son Duel)
16.京剧《龙凤呈祥 - 甘露寺》选段,《劝千岁杀字休出口》(Peking Opera: Ganlu Temple, Not to Say Kill)
17.现代京剧《江姐》选段,《春蚕到死丝不断》(Peking Opera: Sister Jiang, The Silkworm Song)
18.京歌《蝶恋》(Peking Opera Song: Butterfly Love)
19.集体谢幕 - 大联唱 (Conclusion)

Past Events (活动回顾)

Feb 12th, 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration at University of St. Thomas (2017年2月12日 圣托马斯大学中国新年联欢会)
Feb 18th, 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration at St. John's University (2017年2月18日 圣约翰大学中国新年联欢会)
Jan 28th, 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration at Mall of Amercia (2017年1月28日 美国商城中国春节庆祝活动)
Jan 22th, 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration at Edina (2017年1月22日 Edina 中国春节庙会活动)
Sept 4th, 2016 Shandong Friends Gathering (2016年9月4日山东同乡会中秋聚会)
May 16th, 2016 Pan Asia Art Festival at Mall of Amercia (2016年5月14日美国商城泛亚洲艺术节)
April 23rd, 2016 Minnesota History Center (2016年4月23日明尼苏达历史中心)
April 10th, 2016 A Passage to China at Mall of America (2016年4月10日美国商城漫游中国)
2016 Minnesota Chinese New Year Celebration (2016 明州双城华人春节庆祝活动)
2016 Chinese New Year Carnival (2016年中国春节庙会)
On October 24th, 2015, MCO performed at the Voice of Peace.    
On March 14th, 2015, a few performances were given at A Passage to China in Mall of America.    
On Feb 26th, MCO performed and introduced Chinese Opera for Jie Ming bilingual elementry school.    
On Feb 21st, 2015, Iowa Chinese Association invited MCO to perform at the Iowa Chinese New Year Celebration. 
On Feb 15th, 2015, MCCO performed at the Kangle Senior Center.       
On Jan11th, 2015, MCCO performed at the Legacy Senior Center. 
Internal Recital, Oct 25th, 2014.
Feb 15th, 2014, Spring Festival performance at St. John University, MN.
Feb 1st, 2014, Minnesota Chinese Spring Festival party.
         2013年2月23日,我们参加了由明尼苏达历史中心举办的Big Wow活动,大约有250人参加了当天的活动。据主办者称,我们为活动承献了最多样化的节目。
On Feb 23rd, 2013, MN Chinese Opera participated in the Big Wow event arranged by Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, MN. There were more than 250 audience members and  according to the prog ram director, one of the most diverse shows in the Twin Cities was given.

         我们应St. Cloud学区的邀请,参加了St. John's 预备高中一年一度的春节联欢演出。

On Feb 20th, 2013, MN Chinese Opera went to St. John's Preparatory School to perform at their annual Chinese New Year celebration gala. 2013年2月20日,


        我们应St. John 大学的邀请,参加了学校一年一度的春节联欢演出。

On Feb 9th, 2013, MN Chinese Opera went to St. John University to perform at their annual Chinese New Year celebration gala. 2013年2月9日,

On Feb 2nd, 2013, MN Chinese Opera went to Iowa to perform at their annual Chinese New Year celebration gala.
On Jan 21st, 2013, MN Chinese Opera invited famous Peking Opera performer Ms. Jie Li from China to share her opera knowledge and skills.
On April 15, 2012 MN Chinese Opera presented the first Peking Opera Show to the public with the help of many friends since 2007 when the organization was established.
2011.9.25 Friends of Minnesota Chinese Opera (北美曲苑) picnicked in Roseville Central Park.
         2011年8月18日到28日,北美曲苑到Mall of America 为来自中国的艺术团演出助阵。
2011.8.18 to 8.28 Experience China, at the Mall of America in support of China Tourism Promotion event.
2011.2.13 Embrace China, a Chinese New Year celebration at the Ted Mann Concert Hall, University of Minnesota, West Bank Campus.
2010.8.8 Picnic in Plymouth and board election (pictured with Huang Yunru Laoshi). 
2009.7.4 (Pictured below) Little Sichuan Restaurant and Minnesota Chinese Opera held an Independent Day picnic in Lake Minnetonka. 
         双城华人社区春节联欢。著名京剧文武老生马少良先生携夫人访问明州,并与北美曲苑戏迷朋友传授京剧唱腔技艺 ,促膝交谈
2009 as part of the Chinese New Year celebration, Peking opera master Ma Shaoliang, and his wife were invited and met with Members of Minnesota Chinese Opera. 
         明州双城地区华人社团为赈灾义演 - 北美曲苑的朋友们为义演演唱《生死不离》。
2008.6.15 Minnesota Chinese Opera participated in Twin Cities Fundraising Event For 5.12 Sichuan Earthquake Victims and helped raise about $30,000. 
         汶川大地震 - 北美曲苑同仁在美国中医学院开会 决议为赈灾义演。
2008.5.12 Members of Minnesota Chinese Opera gathered to initiate a Call for a Fundraising Event for the Sichuan 5.12 Earthquake Victims. 
         《笑的晚会》宣布 - 北美曲苑成立。
2007.12.15 Pictured below, the establishment of Minnesota Chinese Opera was announced at the <An Evening of Laughter> show.
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